Task VIEROL AG, headquartered in Oldenburg, is an internationally successful specialist for electronic components and engine management in the automotive sector with more than 50,000 vehicle parts for more than 125 countries on all continents. VIEROL AG owns the quality brands VEMO, VAICO and ACKOJA. Project description [...]
HELLA Aftermarkt – Customer calendar
FACT2024-10-17T11:42:44+02:00Task - HELLA calendar concept The HELLA workshop calendars are extremely popular with workshops worldwide! They are even communicated on various collector platforms and offered for resale. Our task was to develop completely new approaches for the calendar motifs and the following years based on existing images. Creative [...]
BMW Group – Brochure design
FACT2023-10-19T16:38:09+02:00Project description Summer and winter complete wheels are important additional business for the dealer. As a specialist agency for the automotive industry with a wealth of experience in dealer communication, we were commissioned to equip BMW and Mini car dealerships with the right arguments for sales talks with their [...]
GKN Automotive Aftermarket
FACT2022-09-20T10:30:20+02:00Project description GKN is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of drive shafts for almost all vehicle manufacturers in the world. For the IAM, with a focus on the DACH region, we have developed a comprehensive sales promotion concept on the topic of drive shafts. At the [...]
MAHLE Trucks – Work. Perfectly done.
FACT2023-03-07T16:46:08+01:00Project description Task and idea For our client MAHLE Aftermarket, we developed a cross-channel campaign for the truck sector ("High & Heavy"). The campaign "Work. Perfectly done." is based on the approach that all vehicles in the truck segment have one thing in common: They are needed for real [...]
MAHLE – Simply trust
FACT2022-09-20T10:29:17+02:00Project description After successfully restructuring the thermal management division of MAHLE Aftermarket, we further sharpened the brand as part of a structured and comprehensive branding process. This included, a comprehensive persona analysis, a competitive analysis from a brand and communication perspective, various workshops, the development of the positioning and [...]
BOSCH Training Service Center
FACT2022-09-20T10:46:18+02:00Project description ‘Made by Bosch’ is a hallmark of outstanding quality. We presented the Bosch Automotive Aftermarket product range on a variety of different posters that are displayed across three floors at the Bosch Service Training Center in Plochingen. The ‘Power of Corporate Design’ series adds a modern flair [...]
Mahle – MPULSE
FACT2022-09-20T10:47:22+02:00Project description We received a brief from MAHLE Aftermarket GmbH in Stuttgart to produce the images and copy for its worldwide customer magazine, MPULSE. The aim is an appealing mix of professional, pensive and service-focused articles combined with an entertaining feel, so that readers are eager to pick it [...]
Stuttgart Airport
FACT2022-09-20T10:51:29+02:00Project description In 2017, Stuttgart Airport commissioned us to produce its 2017 Annual Report. We’re delighted that we’ve now been awarded the same contract for 2018 and for 2019 – proof that we are not only specialists for communication and mobility applications on the ground, but also in the air! [...]
Sitting safely to win safely. – RECARO Automotive Seating
FACT2022-09-20T10:52:37+02:00Project description Content counts – but the customer only benefits from what people actually read. That's why we designed the new RECARO brochures and associated flyers for car seats and racing shells with a new, attractive magazine look. Short sections of copy, quotes and plenty of pictures showcase the [...]